The Probate & Heir & Family Research Office "GeneaTranslat Sokołowski s.c." has been active since 1993
Based upon the net of international contacts we have been providing our clients with professional assistance in processing estate matters from all over the world for over 20 years. We also specialize in conducting genealogical research which is the substantial activity leading to tracing the entitled beneficiaries.
Currently our team consists of 8 persons and cooperates with lawyers, notaries and estate administrators from all over the world. We also get active on behalf of courts, trust funds and natural persons.
The seat of the Office from its very beginning is Warsaw.
The membership in the prestigious genealogical organizations is a guarantee of keeping the highest ethical standards by our Office.
French Chamber of Professional Genealogists

procures documentation necessary for probate.

Małgorzata Wesołowska-Chmielowska
employed since: 2009
languages: English

Anna Skrzyniarz
office manager and documentalist
employed since 2010
languages: English
The Probate & Heir & Family Research Office "GeneaTranslat Sokołowski s.c." has been active since 1993
Based upon the net of international contacts we have been providing our clients with professional assistance in processing estate matters from all over the world for over 20 years. We also specialize in conducting genealogical research which is the substantial activity leading to tracing the entitled beneficiaries.
Currently our team consists of 8 persons and cooperates with lawyers, notaries and estate administrators from all over the world. We also get active on behalf of courts, trust funds and natural persons.
The seat of the Office from its very beginning is Warsaw.
The membership in the prestigious genealogical organizations is a guarantee of keeping the highest ethical standards by our Office.
French Chamber of Professional Genealogists

Marcin Sokołowski
languages: German, English, Russian

conducts research of persons entitled to share in an estate.

Monika Winiarska-Biały
Head of the Genealogical Research Department
employed since: 2006
languages: English

Marek Kuczyński
employed since: 2002
languages: German, English

Emilia Makowska-Markowicz
employed since: 2005
languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian
GeneaTranslat Sokołowski s.c.
address: Piękna 43/3, 00-672 Warsaw, Poland
phone.: +48 22 487 98 58
e-mail: office@geneatranslat.com.pl
© GeneaTranslat Sokolowski s.c.